AIS Developers, LLC Apps

YMCA of Regina 10.7.0
Easy access to resources, news and information to stay connected!
Adventist Domain 5.6.4
The Adventist Domain by Technoborne enablesthe Adventist community; parents, Youth, and Institution leaders tobridge the communication gap on an exclusive dedicated platform andquickly access the resources, tools, news and information to stayconnected and informed!The Adventist Domain by Technoborne features:• Institutions, Local Conference, Division/GC Important news andannouncements• Institutions/ Departmental Leaders notifications and departmentalonline reporting• Interactive resources including conference event calendars, maps,a contact directory, galleries,lessons and more• Tools including, my daily lesson study reminders & SuggestionLine• Language translation to more than 15 languages• Quick access to online and social media resources
Westwood International School 5.4.0
The Westwood International School Domain byTechnoborne enables parents, students, teachers and administratorsto quickly access the resources, tools, news and information tostay connected and informed!The Westwood International School Domain by Technobornefeatures:• Important news and announcements• Teacher notifications• Interactive resources including event calendars, maps, a contactdirectory and more• Student tools including My ID, My Assignments, Hall Pass &Tip Line• Language translation to more than 15 languages• Quick access to online and social media resourcesAbout Technoborne:At Technoborne, we’re driven and enthused daily by how ourclients use our products to discover innovative solutions tobusiness problems and stay connected to what’s most important tothem.For over a decade, we still develop and manage software foracademic and various industries.With Technoborne DOMAIN Apps, we virtually extend the academiaand corporate network domains from just being accessed withinpremises but anywhere. The resources, news feeds, documents, sharedcalendar and galleries on the App maintain constant connectionbetween stakeholders and organizations.Be on the domain, stay connected!
YWCA Schedules 10.7.0
Easy access to resources, news and information to stay connected!
Your School by eTaaleem 5.6.4
eTaaleem is cloud based communicator app forschools, colleges, universities and organizations. 15+ languages,updated apps, push technology, managed services all under single"app as a service" package.eTaaleem's partners network has build great apps for greatorganizations and have worked with 500+ schools, districts andother organizations throughout the US, UK, Canada, Pakistan andUAE.The result is apps that are highly rated in the app storereviews with features that users find informative, time-saving,simple and useful.
BBMS P.S. 182 5.5.3
The BBMS P.S. 182 app by School App Expressenables parents, students, teachers and administrators of TheBilingual Bicultural Mini School P.S. 182 to quickly access theresources, tools, news and information to stay connected andinformed!The BBMS P.S. 182 app by School App Express features:• Important news and announcements• Teacher notifications• Interactive resources including event calendars, maps, a contactdirectory and more• Student tools including My ID, My Assignments, Hall Pass &Tip Line• Language translation to more than 15 languages• Quick access to online and social media resourcesAbout School App Express:The School App Express is a product envisioned by Red CircleSolutions to address the sometimes simple, and sometimes complexneeds of the K12 education communication market. We noticed thatall the products currently on the market, were either very limitedin their feature set, or simply too difficult to use, forcingschools and districts to have a number of different vendors fordifferent niches. Additionally, industry statistics indicate thatmost people prefer an easy-to-access app on their phone as opposedto a website. This is how the School App Express was born. Bycombining a group of easy-to-use features and taking an all-in-oneapproach, we believe we have created an industry leading productthat can be easy to use, but still packed with value addedfeatures.To further improve on our product, we also invested heavily onproviding world class support abilities. With the availability ofimmediate remote technical support, we can offer our clients apersonalized training and troubleshooting experience withinminutes. Even in cases where our clients are simply short on time,we can take care of the legwork of posting updates, sending outin-app communications and performing any other work desired.Updates to mobile operating systems are also a strength of ourpowerful app platform. When mobile device manufacturers updatetheir operating system platforms, apps need to be updated. We takethis completely out of the equation for our clients byautomatically rolling out any necessary updates on ALL platforms inthe background.School App Express is a Red Circle Solutions brand. Red CircleSolutions was founded in 2006 with a vision to simplify thepurchasing process for schools, local and state governments, lawenforcement, healthcare and corporate clients. Our vision at RedCircle Solutions is to help our clients obtain top quality productsthat fit their needs, at the best possible prices. In addition toour vast product catalog, we also focus very heavily on providingworld class customer support and customer service. At Red CircleSolutions, our clients are at the center of everything we do - notour bottom line.We look forward to serving you, our customers and we will continueto strive to improve upon our world-class product.
Washington Heights Academy 5.8.1
The Washington Heights Academy app by SchoolApp Express enables parents, students, teachers and administratorsof The Bilingual Bicultural Mini School P.S. 182 to quickly accessthe resources, tools, news and information to stay connected andinformed!The Washington Heights Academy app by School App Expressfeatures:• Important news and announcements• Teacher notifications• Interactive resources including event calendars, maps, a contactdirectory and more• Student tools including My ID, My Assignments, Hall Pass &Tip Line• Language translation to more than 15 languages• Quick access to online and social media resourcesAbout School App Express:School App Express is a product envisioned by Red Circle Solutionsto address the sometimes simple, and sometimes complex needs of theK12 education communication market. We noticed that all theproducts currently on the market, were either very limited in theirfeature set, or simply too difficult to use, forcing schools anddistricts to have a number of different vendors for differentniches. Additionally, industry statistics indicate that most peopleprefer an easy-to-access app on their phone as opposed to awebsite. This is how the School App Express was born. By combininga group of easy-to-use features and taking an all-in-one approach,we believe we have created an industry leading product that can beeasy to use, but still packed with value added features.To further improve on our product, we also invested heavily onproviding world class support abilities. With the availability ofimmediate remote technical support, we can offer our clients apersonalized training and troubleshooting experience withinminutes. Even in cases where our clients are simply short on time,we can take care of the legwork of posting updates, sending outin-app communications and performing any other work desired.Updates to mobile operating systems are also a strength of ourpowerful app platform. When mobile device manufacturers updatetheir operating system platforms, apps need to be updated. We takethis completely out of the equation for our clients byautomatically rolling out any necessary updates on ALL platforms inthe background.School App Express is a Red Circle Solutions brand. Red CircleSolutions was founded in 2006 with a vision to simplify thepurchasing process for schools, local and state governments, lawenforcement, healthcare and corporate clients. Our vision at RedCircle Solutions is to help our clients obtain top quality productsthat fit their needs, at the best possible prices. In addition toour vast product catalog, we also focus very heavily on providingworld class customer support and customer service. At Red CircleSolutions, our clients are at the center of everything we do - notour bottom line.We look forward to serving you, our customers and we will continueto strive to improve upon our world-class product.
Frederick Douglass Academy 5.8.1
The Frederick Douglass Academy app by SchoolApp Express enables parents, students, teachers and administratorsto quickly access the resources, tools, news and information tostay connected and informed!The Frederick Douglass Academy app by School App Expressfeatures:• Important news and announcements• Teacher notifications• Interactive resources including event calendars, maps, a contactdirectory and more• Student tools including My ID, My Assignments, Hall Pass &Tip Line• Language translation to more than 15 languages• Quick access to online and social media resourcesAbout School App Express:The School App Express is a product envisioned by Red CircleSolutions to address the sometimes simple, and sometimes complexneeds of the K12 education communication market. We noticed thatall the products currently on the market, were either very limitedin their feature set, or simply too difficult to use, forcingschools and districts to have a number of different vendors fordifferent niches. Additionally, industry statistics indicate thatmost people prefer an easy-to-access app on their phone as opposedto a website. This is how the School App Express was born. Bycombining a group of easy-to-use features and taking an all-in-oneapproach, we believe we have created an industry leading productthat can be easy to use, but still packed with value addedfeatures.To further improve on our product, we also invested heavily onproviding world class support abilities. With the availability ofimmediate remote technical support, we can offer our clients apersonalized training and troubleshooting experience withinminutes. Even in cases where our clients are simply short on time,we can take care of the legwork of posting updates, sending outin-app communications and performing any other work desired.Updates to mobile operating systems are also a strength of ourpowerful app platform. When mobile device manufacturers updatetheir operating system platforms, apps need to be updated. We takethis completely out of the equation for our clients byautomatically rolling out any necessary updates on ALL platforms inthe background.School App Express is a Red Circle Solutions brand. Red CircleSolutions was founded in 2006 with a vision to simplify thepurchasing process for schools, local and state governments, lawenforcement, healthcare and corporate clients. Our vision at RedCircle Solutions is to help our clients obtain top quality productsthat fit their needs, at the best possible prices. In addition toour vast product catalog, we also focus very heavily on providingworld class customer support and customer service. At Red CircleSolutions, our clients are at the center of everything we do - notour bottom line.We look forward to serving you, our customers and we will continueto strive to improve upon our world-class product.
JHS 098 Herman Ridder 5.8.1
The JHS 098 Herman Ridder app by School AppExpress enables parents, students, teachers and administrators ofJHS 098 Herman Ridder Academy to quickly access the resources,tools, news and information to stay connected and informed!The JHS 098 Herman Ridder app by School App Express features:• Important news and announcements• Teacher notifications• Interactive resources including event calendars, maps, a contactdirectory and more• Student tools including My ID, My Assignments, Hall Pass &Tip Line• Language translation to more than 30 languages• Quick access to online and social media resourcesAbout School App Express:The School App Express is a product envisioned by Red CircleSolutions to address the sometimes simple, and sometimes complexneeds of the K12 education communication market. We noticed thatall the products currently on the market, were either very limitedin their feature set, or simply too difficult to use, forcingschools and districts to have a number of different vendors fordifferent niches. Additionally, industry statistics indicate thatmost people prefer an easy-to-access app on their phone as opposedto a website. This is how the School App Express was born. Bycombining a group of easy-to-use features and taking an all-in-oneapproach, we believe we have created an industry leading productthat can be easy to use, but still packed with value addedfeatures.To further improve on our product, we also invested heavily onproviding world class support abilities. With the availability ofimmediate remote technical support, we can offer our clients apersonalized training and troubleshooting experience withinminutes. Even in cases where our clients are simply short on time,we can take care of the legwork of posting updates, sending outin-app communications and performing any other work desired.Updates to mobile operating systems are also a strength of ourpowerful app platform. When mobile device manufacturers updatetheir operating system platforms, apps need to be updated. We takethis completely out of the equation for our clients byautomatically rolling out any necessary updates on ALL platforms inthe background.School App Express is a Red Circle Solutions brand. Red CircleSolutions was founded in 2006 with a vision to simplify thepurchasing process for schools, local and state governments, lawenforcement, healthcare and corporate clients. Our vision at RedCircle Solutions is to help our clients obtain top quality productsthat fit their needs, at the best possible prices. In addition toour vast product catalog, we also focus very heavily on providingworld class customer support and customer service. At Red CircleSolutions, our clients are at the center of everything we do - notour bottom line.We look forward to serving you, our customers and we will continueto strive to improve upon our world-class product.
Lumpkin County High School 5.8.1
The Lumpkin County High School app by SchoolApp Express enables parents, students, teachers and administratorsof Lumpkin County High School to quickly access the resources,tools, news and information to stay connected and informed!The Lumpkin County High School app by School App Expressfeatures:• Important news and announcements• Teacher notifications• Interactive resources including event calendars, maps, a contactdirectory and more• Student tools including My ID, My Assignments, Hall Pass &Tip Line• Language translation to more than 30 languages• Quick access to online and social media resourcesAbout School App Express:The School App Express is a product envisioned by Red CircleSolutions to address the sometimes simple, and sometimes complexneeds of the K12 education communication market. We noticed thatall the products currently on the market, were either very limitedin their feature set, or simply too difficult to use, forcingschools and districts to have a number of different vendors fordifferent niches. Additionally, industry statistics indicate thatmost people prefer an easy-to-access app on their phone as opposedto a website. This is how the School App Express was born. Bycombining a group of easy-to-use features and taking an all-in-oneapproach, we believe we have created an industry leading productthat can be easy to use, but still packed with value addedfeatures.To further improve on our product, we also invested heavily onproviding world class support abilities. With the availability ofimmediate remote technical support, we can offer our clients apersonalized training and troubleshooting experience withinminutes. Even in cases where our clients are simply short on time,we can take care of the legwork of posting updates, sending outin-app communications and performing any other work desired.Updates to mobile operating systems are also a strength of ourpowerful app platform. When mobile device manufacturers updatetheir operating system platforms, apps need to be updated. We takethis completely out of the equation for our clients byautomatically rolling out any necessary updates on ALL platforms inthe background.School App Express is a Red Circle Solutions brand. Red CircleSolutions was founded in 2006 with a vision to simplify thepurchasing process for schools, local and state governments, lawenforcement, healthcare and corporate clients. Our vision at RedCircle Solutions is to help our clients obtain top quality productsthat fit their needs, at the best possible prices. In addition toour vast product catalog, we also focus very heavily on providingworld class customer support and customer service. At Red CircleSolutions, our clients are at the center of everything we do - notour bottom line.We look forward to serving you, our customers and we will continueto strive to improve upon our world-class product.
NU Recreation 6.16.4
Stay connected to the Northwestern University Recreation Departmentwith our mobile app. Users of the app have the ability to: - Viewschedules for fitness classes, facilities and programs. - Addevents to your calendar, set reminders so you are never lateconnect through social media. - Receive push notifications forfacility closures, class cancellations or important information youneed to know. - View current news, events and announcementshappening at the Henry Crown Sports Pavilion. - Find generalinformation about classes, hours and directions.
Ice Line Quad Rinks 6.10.4
REACH is a fully integrated mobile software company and has beendesigning, developing, building, managing & publishing MobileApps for over five years. We have launched over 100 Apps to-date.In addition to developing outstanding and engaging apps for ourclients, REACH also provides digital signage and interactive touchscreen solutions to our partners.
Concourse Village Elementary 5.8.1
The Concourse Village Elementary app by SchoolApp Express enables parents, students, teachers and administratorsof Concourse Village Elementary to quickly access the resources,tools, news and information to stay connected and informed!The Concourse Village Elementary app by School App Expressfeatures:• Important news and announcements• Teacher notifications• Interactive resources including event calendars, maps, a contactdirectory and more• Student tools including My ID, My Assignments, Hall Pass &Tip Line• Language translation to more than 30 languages• Quick access to online and social media resourcesAbout School App Express:The School App Express is a product envisioned by Red CircleSolutions to address the sometimes simple, and sometimes complexneeds of the K12 education communication market. We noticed thatall the products currently on the market, were either very limitedin their feature set, or simply too difficult to use, forcingschools and districts to have a number of different vendors fordifferent niches. Additionally, industry statistics indicate thatmost people prefer an easy-to-access app on their phone as opposedto a website. This is how the School App Express was born. Bycombining a group of easy-to-use features and taking an all-in-oneapproach, we believe we have created an industry leading productthat can be easy to use, but still packed with value addedfeatures.To further improve on our product, we also invested heavily onproviding world class support abilities. With the availability ofimmediate remote technical support, we can offer our clients apersonalized training and troubleshooting experience withinminutes. Even in cases where our clients are simply short on time,we can take care of the legwork of posting updates, sending outin-app communications and performing any other work desired.Updates to mobile operating systems are also a strength of ourpowerful app platform. When mobile device manufacturers updatetheir operating system platforms, apps need to be updated. We takethis completely out of the equation for our clients byautomatically rolling out any necessary updates on ALL platforms inthe background.School App Express is a Red Circle Solutions brand. Red CircleSolutions was founded in 2006 with a vision to simplify thepurchasing process for schools, local and state governments, lawenforcement, healthcare and corporate clients. Our vision at RedCircle Solutions is to help our clients obtain top quality productsthat fit their needs, at the best possible prices. In addition toour vast product catalog, we also focus very heavily on providingworld class customer support and customer service. At Red CircleSolutions, our clients are at the center of everything we do - notour bottom line.We look forward to serving you, our customers and we will continueto strive to improve upon our world-class product.
Fred R Moore Elementary 5.8.1
The Fred R Moore Elementary app by School AppExpress enables parents, students, teachers and administrators ofFred R Moore Elementary to quickly access the resources, tools,news and information to stay connected and informed!The Fred R Moore Elementary app by School App Expressfeatures:• Important news and announcements• Teacher notifications• Interactive resources including event calendars, maps, a contactdirectory and more• Student tools including My ID, My Assignments, Hall Pass &Tip Line• Language translation to more than 30 languages• Quick access to online and social media resourcesAbout School App Express:The School App Express is a product envisioned by Red CircleSolutions to address the sometimes simple, and sometimes complexneeds of the K12 education communication market. We noticed thatall the products currently on the market, were either very limitedin their feature set, or simply too difficult to use, forcingschools and districts to have a number of different vendors fordifferent niches. Additionally, industry statistics indicate thatmost people prefer an easy-to-access app on their phone as opposedto a website. This is how the School App Express was born. Bycombining a group of easy-to-use features and taking an all-in-oneapproach, we believe we have created an industry leading productthat can be easy to use, but still packed with value addedfeatures.To further improve on our product, we also invested heavily onproviding world class support abilities. With the availability ofimmediate remote technical support, we can offer our clients apersonalized training and troubleshooting experience withinminutes. Even in cases where our clients are simply short on time,we can take care of the legwork of posting updates, sending outin-app communications and performing any other work desired.Updates to mobile operating systems are also a strength of ourpowerful app platform. When mobile device manufacturers updatetheir operating system platforms, apps need to be updated. We takethis completely out of the equation for our clients byautomatically rolling out any necessary updates on ALL platforms inthe background.School App Express is a Red Circle Solutions brand. Red CircleSolutions was founded in 2006 with a vision to simplify thepurchasing process for schools, local and state governments, lawenforcement, healthcare and corporate clients. Our vision at RedCircle Solutions is to help our clients obtain top quality productsthat fit their needs, at the best possible prices. In addition toour vast product catalog, we also focus very heavily on providingworld class customer support and customer service. At Red CircleSolutions, our clients are at the center of everything we do - notour bottom line.We look forward to serving you, our customers and we will continueto strive to improve upon our world-class product.
Escambia High School 5.6.8
The Escambia High School app by School AppExpress enables parents, students, teachers and administrators ofEscambia High School to quickly access the resources, tools, newsand information to stay connected and informed!The Escambia High School app by School App Express features:• Important news and announcements• Teacher notifications• Interactive resources including event calendars, maps, a contactdirectory and more• Student tools including My ID, My Assignments, Hall Pass &Tip Line• Language translation to more than 30 languages• Quick access to online and social media resourcesAbout School App Express:The School App Express is a product envisioned by Red CircleSolutions to address the sometimes simple, and sometimes complexneeds of the K12 education communication market. We noticed thatall the products currently on the market, were either very limitedin their feature set, or simply too difficult to use, forcingschools and districts to have a number of different vendors fordifferent niches. Additionally, industry statistics indicate thatmost people prefer an easy-to-access app on their phone as opposedto a website. This is how the School App Express was born. Bycombining a group of easy-to-use features and taking an all-in-oneapproach, we believe we have created an industry leading productthat can be easy to use, but still packed with value addedfeatures.To further improve on our product, we also invested heavily onproviding world class support abilities. With the availability ofimmediate remote technical support, we can offer our clients apersonalized training and troubleshooting experience withinminutes. Even in cases where our clients are simply short on time,we can take care of the legwork of posting updates, sending outin-app communications and performing any other work desired.Updates to mobile operating systems are also a strength of ourpowerful app platform. When mobile device manufacturers updatetheir operating system platforms, apps need to be updated. We takethis completely out of the equation for our clients byautomatically rolling out any necessary updates on ALL platforms inthe background.School App Express is a Red Circle Solutions brand. Red CircleSolutions was founded in 2006 with a vision to simplify thepurchasing process for schools, local and state governments, lawenforcement, healthcare and corporate clients. Our vision at RedCircle Solutions is to help our clients obtain top quality productsthat fit their needs, at the best possible prices. In addition toour vast product catalog, we also focus very heavily on providingworld class customer support and customer service. At Red CircleSolutions, our clients are at the center of everything we do - notour bottom line.We look forward to serving you, our customers and we will continueto strive to improve upon our world-class product.
Mountain Ridge High School 5.6.8
The Mountain Ridge High School app by SchoolApp Express enables parents, students, teachers and administratorsof Mountain Ridge High School to quickly access the resources,tools, news and information to stay connected and informed!The Mountain Ridge High School app by School App Expressfeatures:• Important news and announcements• Teacher notifications• Interactive resources including event calendars, maps, a contactdirectory and more• Student tools including My ID, My Assignments, Hall Pass &Tip Line• Language translation to more than 30 languages• Quick access to online and social media resourcesAbout School App Express:The School App Express is a product envisioned by Red CircleSolutions to address the sometimes simple, and sometimes complexneeds of the K12 education communication market. We noticed thatall the products currently on the market, were either very limitedin their feature set, or simply too difficult to use, forcingschools and districts to have a number of different vendors fordifferent niches. Additionally, industry statistics indicate thatmost people prefer an easy-to-access app on their phone as opposedto a website. This is how the School App Express was born. Bycombining a group of easy-to-use features and taking an all-in-oneapproach, we believe we have created an industry leading productthat can be easy to use, but still packed with value addedfeatures.To further improve on our product, we also invested heavily onproviding world class support abilities. With the availability ofimmediate remote technical support, we can offer our clients apersonalized training and troubleshooting experience withinminutes. Even in cases where our clients are simply short on time,we can take care of the legwork of posting updates, sending outin-app communications and performing any other work desired.Updates to mobile operating systems are also a strength of ourpowerful app platform. When mobile device manufacturers updatetheir operating system platforms, apps need to be updated. We takethis completely out of the equation for our clients byautomatically rolling out any necessary updates on ALL platforms inthe background.School App Express is a Red Circle Solutions brand. Red CircleSolutions was founded in 2006 with a vision to simplify thepurchasing process for schools, local and state governments, lawenforcement, healthcare and corporate clients. Our vision at RedCircle Solutions is to help our clients obtain top quality productsthat fit their needs, at the best possible prices. In addition toour vast product catalog, we also focus very heavily on providingworld class customer support and customer service. At Red CircleSolutions, our clients are at the center of everything we do - notour bottom line.We look forward to serving you, our customers and we will continueto strive to improve upon our world-class product.
Dr. William H Horton School 5.8.1
The Dr William H Horton School app by SchoolApp Express enables parents, students, teachers and administratorsof Dr William H Horton School to quickly access the resources,tools, news and information to stay connected and informed!The Dr William H Horton School app by School App Expressfeatures:- Important news and announcements- Teacher notifications- Interactive resources including event calendars, maps, a contactdirectory and more- Student tools including My ID, My Assignments, Hall Pass &Tip Line- Language translation to more than 30 languages- Quick access to online and social media resourcesAbout School App Express:The School App Express is a product envisioned by Red CircleSolutions to address the sometimes simple, and sometimes complexneeds of the K12 education communication market. We noticed thatall the products currently on the market, were either very limitedin their feature set, or simply too difficult to use, forcingschools and districts to have a number of different vendors fordifferent niches. Additionally, industry statistics indicate thatmost people prefer an easy-to-access app on their phone as opposedto a website. This is how the School App Express was born. Bycombining a group of easy-to-use features and taking an all-in-oneapproach, we believe we have created an industry leading productthat can be easy to use, but still packed with value addedfeatures.To further improve on our product, we also invested heavily onproviding world class support abilities. With the availability ofimmediate remote technical support, we can offer our clients apersonalized training and troubleshooting experience withinminutes. Even in cases where our clients are simply short on time,we can take care of the legwork of posting updates, sending outin-app communications and performing any other work desired.Updates to mobile operating systems are also a strength of ourpowerful app platform. When mobile device manufacturers updatetheir operating system platforms, apps need to be updated. We takethis completely out of the equation for our clients byautomatically rolling out any necessary updates on ALL platforms inthe background.School App Express is a Red Circle Solutions brand. Red CircleSolutions was founded in 2006 with a vision to simplify thepurchasing process for schools, local and state governments, lawenforcement, healthcare and corporate clients. Our vision at RedCircle Solutions is to help our clients obtain top quality productsthat fit their needs, at the best possible prices. In addition toour vast product catalog, we also focus very heavily on providingworld class customer support and customer service. At Red CircleSolutions, our clients are at the center of everything we do - notour bottom line.We look forward to serving you, our customers and we will continueto strive to improve upon our world-class product.
Andover HS 6.16.4
Stay connected to your students through Andover High School’scustomized mobile app built just for you. Users of the app have theability to: · View schedules for classes, events, games and allthings happening throughout your facilities and programs. · Addevents to your calendar, set reminders so you are never late andinvite friends to join you through our social media sharingfeatures. · Receive push notifications for last minutecancellations, exciting promotions or important information youneed to know. · View current news, events and announcementshappening at your facility. · Find general information aboutclasses, registrations, hours and directions. For more information,visit
Franklin D Roosevelt Academy 5.6.8
The Franklin D Roosevelt Academy app by SchoolApp Express enables parents, students, teachers and administratorsof Franklin D Roosevelt Academy to quickly access the resources,tools, news and information to stay connected and informed!The Franklin D Roosevelt Academy app by School App Expressfeatures:• Important news and announcements• Teacher notifications• Interactive resources including event calendars, maps, a contactdirectory and more• Student tools including My ID, My Assignments, Hall Pass &Tip Line• Language translation to more than 30 languages• Quick access to online and social media resourcesAbout School App Express:The School App Express is a product envisioned by Red CircleSolutions to address the sometimes simple, and sometimes complexneeds of the K12 education communication market. We noticed thatall the products currently on the market, were either very limitedin their feature set, or simply too difficult to use, forcingschools and districts to have a number of different vendors fordifferent niches. Additionally, industry statistics indicate thatmost people prefer an easy-to-access app on their phone as opposedto a website. This is how the School App Express was born. Bycombining a group of easy-to-use features and taking an all-in-oneapproach, we believe we have created an industry leading productthat can be easy to use, but still packed with value addedfeatures.To further improve on our product, we also invested heavily onproviding world class support abilities. With the availability ofimmediate remote technical support, we can offer our clients apersonalized training and troubleshooting experience withinminutes. Even in cases where our clients are simply short on time,we can take care of the legwork of posting updates, sending outin-app communications and performing any other work desired.Updates to mobile operating systems are also a strength of ourpowerful app platform. When mobile device manufacturers updatetheir operating system platforms, apps need to be updated. We takethis completely out of the equation for our clients byautomatically rolling out any necessary updates on ALL platforms inthe background.School App Express is a Red Circle Solutions brand. Red CircleSolutions was founded in 2006 with a vision to simplify thepurchasing process for schools, local and state governments, lawenforcement, healthcare and corporate clients. Our vision at RedCircle Solutions is to help our clients obtain top quality productsthat fit their needs, at the best possible prices. In addition toour vast product catalog, we also focus very heavily on providingworld class customer support and customer service. At Red CircleSolutions, our clients are at the center of everything we do - notour bottom line.We look forward to serving you, our customers and we will continueto strive to improve upon our world-class product.
Millennium Roots Schools 5.8.1
The Millennium Roots Schools app by eTaaleemenables parents, students, teachers and administrators ofMillennium Roots Schools network to quickly access the resources,tools, news and information to stay connected and informed!The Millennium Roots Schools app by eTaaleem features:• Important news and announcements• Teacher notifications• Interactive resources including event calendars, maps, a contactdirectory and more• Student tools including My ID, My Assignments, Hall Pass &Tip Line• Language translation to more than 15 languages• Quick access to online and social media resourcesAbout eTaaleem :eTaaleem is cloud based communicator app for schools, colleges,universities and organizations. 15+ languages, updated apps, pushtechnology, managed services all under single "app as a service"package.eTaaleem's partners network has build great apps for greatorganizations and have worked with 500+ schools, districts andother organizations throughout the US, UK, Canada, Pakistan andUAE.The result is apps that are highly rated in the app store reviewswith features that users find informative, time-saving, simple anduseful.
Inside Bw 5.6.8
Inside bwThis is an app that houses the common daily apps that Batswana useon their phones. The app also renders public notices like BotswanaPolice public education information, health campaigns and others.It’s primarily a reception area of the multiple apps CultureThis is a Botswana Culture hub that houses the roots of the peopleand archives of the nation. The app is a reference place for todayand the next generations where they get accurate information oftheir history, cultural principles, and knowledge of the differenttribes with their chieftaincy lineage. The cultural events alsowill be limitless in events menu as well as leveraging the culturesharing across cultures easily via the bw Culture BusinessThe app centres itself in business processes in the country, laws,government offers, tender information, tax info and many otherbusiness transactions thereinbw PartsThis app is a life saver for motor vehicle owners since partssearching around the city is a mission. The app has a query thatallows user to send a request for a specified part, with which thepartner Auto parts stores will be able to see request instantly,and reply accordingly to customers with prices, quotes and orsupply.More info: ShopperThis is a shopping spree app that guides a bw people where to shopand what’s on trend and connects the customer with storespresenting available promotions and sales etcbw SportsThis app is all about energy, adrenaline on the news, updates andplayer profiling on all sporting codes under BNSC and around CollegiateThis App is the Botswana tertiary education turning point as it hasa primary role of linking the industry with the students who are inuniversities. This happens where industries send out information tothe students on what to focus on in their curriculum, advices oncareer duties and responsibilities, trending technologies, industrycourses available for job placement at end of university etcbw WomenAs the globe moves forward on empowering women and girls, this Appdoes the same by putting at the disposable of the women,information, gender affairs department resources, grants, womenhealth, pre-natal and ante natal information and many relatedprovisions
PS 112 Bronxwood 5.6.8
The PS 112 Bronxwood app by School App Expressenables parents, students, teachers and administrators of PS 112Bronxwood to quickly access the resources, tools, news andinformation to stay connected and informed!The PS 112 Bronxwood app by School App Express features:- Important news and announcements- Teacher notifications- Interactive resources including event calendars, maps, a contactdirectory and more- Student tools including My ID, My Assignments, Hall Pass &Tip Line- Language translation to more than 30 languages- Quick access to online and social media resourcesAbout School App Express:The School App Express is a product envisioned by Red CircleSolutions to address the sometimes simple, and sometimes complexneeds of the K12 education communication market. We noticed thatall the products currently on the market, were either very limitedin their feature set, or simply too difficult to use, forcingschools and districts to have a number of different vendors fordifferent niches. Additionally, industry statistics indicate thatmost people prefer an easy-to-access app on their phone as opposedto a website. This is how the School App Express was born. Bycombining a group of easy-to-use features and taking an all-in-oneapproach, we believe we have created an industry leading productthat can be easy to use, but still packed with value addedfeatures.To further improve on our product, we also invested heavily onproviding world class support abilities. With the availability ofimmediate remote technical support, we can offer our clients apersonalized training and troubleshooting experience withinminutes. Even in cases where our clients are simply short on time,we can take care of the legwork of posting updates, sending outin-app communications and performing any other work desired.Updates to mobile operating systems are also a strength of ourpowerful app platform. When mobile device manufacturers updatetheir operating system platforms, apps need to be updated. We takethis completely out of the equation for our clients byautomatically rolling out any necessary updates on ALL platforms inthe background.School App Express is a Red Circle Solutions brand. Red CircleSolutions was founded in 2006 with a vision to simplify thepurchasing process for schools, local and state governments, lawenforcement, healthcare and corporate clients. Our vision at RedCircle Solutions is to help our clients obtain top quality productsthat fit their needs, at the best possible prices. In addition toour vast product catalog, we also focus very heavily on providingworld class customer support and customer service. At Red CircleSolutions, our clients are at the center of everything we do - notour bottom line.We look forward to serving you, our customers and we will continueto strive to improve upon our world-class product.
RMH Stanford 10.7.0
Easy access to resources, news and information to stay connected!
PS 139 Alexine A Fenty 5.6.8
The PS 139 Alexine A Fenty app by School AppExpress enables parents, students, teachers and administrators ofPS 139 Alexine A Fenty to quickly access the resources, tools, newsand information to stay connected and informed!The PS 139 Alexine A Fenty app by School App Expressfeatures:- Important news and announcements- Teacher notifications- Interactive resources including event calendars, maps, a contactdirectory and more- Student tools including My ID, My Assignments, Hall Pass &Tip Line- Language translation to more than 30 languages- Quick access to online and social media resourcesAbout School App Express:The School App Express is a product envisioned by Red CircleSolutions to address the sometimes simple, and sometimes complexneeds of the K12 education communication market. We noticed thatall the products currently on the market, were either very limitedin their feature set, or simply too difficult to use, forcingschools and districts to have a number of different vendors fordifferent niches. Additionally, industry statistics indicate thatmost people prefer an easy-to-access app on their phone as opposedto a website. This is how the School App Express was born. Bycombining a group of easy-to-use features and taking an all-in-oneapproach, we believe we have created an industry leading productthat can be easy to use, but still packed with value addedfeatures.To further improve on our product, we also invested heavily onproviding world class support abilities. With the availability ofimmediate remote technical support, we can offer our clients apersonalized training and troubleshooting experience withinminutes. Even in cases where our clients are simply short on time,we can take care of the legwork of posting updates, sending outin-app communications and performing any other work desired.Updates to mobile operating systems are also a strength of ourpowerful app platform. When mobile device manufacturers updatetheir operating system platforms, apps need to be updated. We takethis completely out of the equation for our clients byautomatically rolling out any necessary updates on ALL platforms inthe background.School App Express is a Red Circle Solutions brand. Red CircleSolutions was founded in 2006 with a vision to simplify thepurchasing process for schools, local and state governments, lawenforcement, healthcare and corporate clients. Our vision at RedCircle Solutions is to help our clients obtain top quality productsthat fit their needs, at the best possible prices. In addition toour vast product catalog, we also focus very heavily on providingworld class customer support and customer service. At Red CircleSolutions, our clients are at the center of everything we do - notour bottom line.We look forward to serving you, our customers and we will continueto strive to improve upon our world-class product.
Oliver Street School 5.6.8
The Oliver Street School app by SchoolAppExpress enables parents, students, teachers and administratorsofOliver Street School to quickly access the resources, tools,newsand information to stay connected and informed!The Oliver Street School app by School App Express features:- Important news and announcements- Teacher notifications- Interactive resources including event calendars, maps, acontactdirectory and more- Student tools including My ID, My Assignments, Hall Pass &TipLine- Language translation to more than 30 languages- Quick access to online and social media resourcesAbout School App Express:The School App Express is a product envisioned by RedCircleSolutions to address the sometimes simple, and sometimescomplexneeds of the K12 education communication market. We noticedthatall the products currently on the market, were either verylimitedin their feature set, or simply too difficult to use,forcingschools and districts to have a number of different vendorsfordifferent niches. Additionally, industry statistics indicatethatmost people prefer an easy-to-access app on their phone asopposedto a website. This is how the School App Express was born.Bycombining a group of easy-to-use features and taking anall-in-oneapproach, we believe we have created an industry leadingproductthat can be easy to use, but still packed with valueaddedfeatures.To further improve on our product, we also invested heavilyonproviding world class support abilities. With the availabilityofimmediate remote technical support, we can offer our clientsapersonalized training and troubleshooting experiencewithinminutes. Even in cases where our clients are simply short ontime,we can take care of the legwork of posting updates, sendingoutin-app communications and performing any other workdesired.Updates to mobile operating systems are also a strength ofourpowerful app platform. When mobile device manufacturersupdatetheir operating system platforms, apps need to be updated. Wetakethis completely out of the equation for our clientsbyautomatically rolling out any necessary updates on ALL platformsinthe background.School App Express is a Red Circle Solutions brand. RedCircleSolutions was founded in 2006 with a vision to simplifythepurchasing process for schools, local and state governments,lawenforcement, healthcare and corporate clients. Our vision atRedCircle Solutions is to help our clients obtain top qualityproductsthat fit their needs, at the best possible prices. Inaddition toour vast product catalog, we also focus very heavily onprovidingworld class customer support and customer service. At RedCircleSolutions, our clients are at the center of everything we do- notour bottom line.We look forward to serving you, our customers and we willcontinueto strive to improve upon our world-class product.
Deer Valley High School 5.8.1
The Deer Valley High School app by School AppExpress enables parents, students, teachers and administrators ofDeer Valley High School to quickly access the resources, tools,news and information to stay connected and informed!The Deer Valley High School app by School App Expressfeatures:- Important news and announcements- Teacher notifications- Interactive resources including event calendars, maps, a contactdirectory and more- Student tools including My ID, My Assignments, Hall Pass &Tip Line- Language translation to more than 30 languages- Quick access to online and social media resourcesAbout School App Express:The School App Express is a product envisioned by Red CircleSolutions to address the sometimes simple, and sometimes complexneeds of the K12 education communication market. We noticed thatall the products currently on the market, were either very limitedin their feature set, or simply too difficult to use, forcingschools and districts to have a number of different vendors fordifferent niches. Additionally, industry statistics indicate thatmost people prefer an easy-to-access app on their phone as opposedto a website. This is how the School App Express was born. Bycombining a group of easy-to-use features and taking an all-in-oneapproach, we believe we have created an industry leading productthat can be easy to use, but still packed with value addedfeatures.To further improve on our product, we also invested heavily onproviding world class support abilities. With the availability ofimmediate remote technical support, we can offer our clients apersonalized training and troubleshooting experience withinminutes. Even in cases where our clients are simply short on time,we can take care of the legwork of posting updates, sending outin-app communications and performing any other work desired.Updates to mobile operating systems are also a strength of ourpowerful app platform. When mobile device manufacturers updatetheir operating system platforms, apps need to be updated. We takethis completely out of the equation for our clients byautomatically rolling out any necessary updates on ALL platforms inthe background.School App Express is a Red Circle Solutions brand. Red CircleSolutions was founded in 2006 with a vision to simplify thepurchasing process for schools, local and state governments, lawenforcement, healthcare and corporate clients. Our vision at RedCircle Solutions is to help our clients obtain top quality productsthat fit their needs, at the best possible prices. In addition toour vast product catalog, we also focus very heavily on providingworld class customer support and customer service. At Red CircleSolutions, our clients are at the center of everything we do - notour bottom line.We look forward to serving you, our customers and we will continueto strive to improve upon our world-class product.
Summit on the Park 10.2.8
Easy access to resources, news and information to stay connected!
Greater Egg Harbor RHS Dist
Easy access to resources, news and information to stay connected!
PS 128 Bensonhurst 6.16.4
The PS 128 Bensonhurst app by School App Express enables parents,students, teachers and administrators of PS 128 Bensonhurst toquickly access the resources, tools, news and information to stayconnected and informed! The PS 128 Bensonhurst app by School AppExpress features: • Important news and announcements • Teachernotifications • Interactive resources including event calendars,maps, a contact directory and more • Student tools including My ID,My Assignments, Hall Pass & Tip Line • Language translation tomore than 15 languages • Quick access to online and social mediaresources About School App Express: School App Express is a productenvisioned by Red Circle Solutions to address the sometimes simple,and sometimes complex needs of the K12 education communicationmarket. We noticed that all the products currently on the market,were either very limited in their feature set, or simply toodifficult to use, forcing schools and districts to have a number ofdifferent vendors for different niches. Additionally, industrystatistics indicate that most people prefer an easy-to-access appon their phone as opposed to a website. This is how the School AppExpress was born. By combining a group of easy-to-use features andtaking an all-in-one approach, we believe we have created anindustry leading product that can be easy to use, but still packedwith value added features. To further improve on our product, wealso invested heavily on providing world class support abilities.With the availability of immediate remote technical support, we canoffer our clients a personalized training and troubleshootingexperience within minutes. Even in cases where our clients aresimply short on time, we can take care of the legwork of postingupdates, sending out in-app communications and performing any otherwork desired. Updates to mobile operating systems are also astrength of our powerful app platform. When mobile devicemanufacturers update their operating system platforms, apps need tobe updated. We take this completely out of the equation for ourclients by automatically rolling out any necessary updates on ALLplatforms in the background. School App Express is a Red CircleSolutions brand. Red Circle Solutions was founded in 2006 with avision to simplify the purchasing process for schools, local andstate governments, law enforcement, healthcare and corporateclients. Our vision at Red Circle Solutions is to help our clientsobtain top quality products that fit their needs, at the bestpossible prices. In addition to our vast product catalog, we alsofocus very heavily on providing world class customer support andcustomer service. At Red Circle Solutions, our clients are at thecenter of everything we do - not our bottom line. We look forwardto serving you, our customers and we will continue to strive toimprove upon our world-class product.
The YMCA of Bristol 10.7.0
Easy access to resources, news and information to stay connected!
NORD Commission 10.2.0
Easy access to resources, news and information to stay connected!
Northwest Local Schools - OH 10.6.0
Easy access to resources, news and information to stay connected!
Trenton Public Schools NJ 10.2.8
Easy access to resources, news and information to stay connected!
Salina Family YMCA 10.2.8
Easy access to resources, news and information to stay connected!
RULH Local School District 10.6.1
Easy access to resources, news and information to stay connected!
Shaker Heights Schools 6.16.4
The Shaker Heights Schools App by eSchoolView allows parents,students, teachers and administrators to stay connected in today'smobile world! eSchoolView builds websites and creates educationalmanagement software for schools and school districts across thenation, including public, private, faith-based and charter systems.The company was founded in 2008 and has seen significant growth.Ranked for the second consecutive year on the Inc. 500/5000 list ofAmerica's fastest growing private companies, eSchoolView (1907)also works with a number of educational organizations throughoutthe states in an effort to build meaningful partnerships andnetworks within the industry. Founded in Columbus, Ohio,eSchoolView has offices in Charlotte, North Carolina and FountainHills, Arizona. We also develop products on behalf of schoolsystems across the country to improve efficiency and increaseparent engagement. Our newest product OneView is the only solutionavailable that integrates parent portal features, athletic forms,online enrollment for new student and forms for currently enrolledstudents in one complete package. eSchoolView provides a number ofother solutions to help school districts generate revenue, managefacilities and send instant safety alert notifications.
RMH Cincinnati House Info 10.5.0
Easy access to resources, news and information to stay connected!
West Carroll Parish Schools 10.6.1
Easy access to resources, news and information to stay connected!
Southwest Licking Schools 6.16.4
The Southwest Licking Schools App by eSchoolView allows parents,students, teachers and administrators to stay connected in today'smobile world! eSchoolView builds websites and creates educationalmanagement software for schools and school districts across thenation, including public, private, faith-based and charter systems.The company was founded in 2008 and has seen significant growth.Ranked for the second consecutive year on the Inc. 500/5000 list ofAmerica's fastest growing private companies, eSchoolView (1907)also works with a number of educational organizations throughoutthe states in an effort to build meaningful partnerships andnetworks within the industry. Founded in Columbus, Ohio,eSchoolView has offices in Charlotte, North Carolina and FountainHills, Arizona. We also develop products on behalf of schoolsystems across the country to improve efficiency and increaseparent engagement. Our newest product OneView is the only solutionavailable that integrates parent portal features, athletic forms,online enrollment for new student and forms for currently enrolledstudents in one complete package. eSchoolView provides a number ofother solutions to help school districts generate revenue, managefacilities and send instant safety alert notifications.
Bishop Manogue Catholic HS 10.2.7
Easy access to resources, news and information to stay connected!
St. Marys City Schools 6.16.2
The St Marys City Schools App by eSchoolView allowsparents,students, teachers and administrators to stay connected intoday'smobile world! eSchoolView builds websites and createseducationalmanagement software for schools and school districtsacross thenation, including public, private, faith-based andcharter systems.The company was founded in 2008 and has seensignificant growth.Ranked for the second consecutive year on theInc. 500/5000 list ofAmerica's fastest growing private companies,eSchoolView (1907)also works with a number of educationalorganizations throughoutthe states in an effort to build meaningfulpartnerships andnetworks within the industry. Founded in Columbus,Ohio,eSchoolView has offices in Charlotte, North Carolina andFountainHills, Arizona. We also develop products on behalf ofschoolsystems across the country to improve efficiency andincreaseparent engagement. Our newest product OneView is the onlysolutionavailable that integrates parent portal features, athleticforms,online enrollment for new student and forms for currentlyenrolledstudents in one complete package. eSchoolView provides anumber ofother solutions to help school districts generate revenue,managefacilities and send instant safety alert notifications.
Elijah Stroud MS 353 6.6.18
The Elijah Stroud MS 353 app by School App Express enablesparents,students, teachers and administrators of Elijah Stroud MS353 toquickly access the resources, tools, news and information tostayconnected and informed! The Elijah Stroud MS 353 app by SchoolAppExpress features: - Important news and announcements -Teachernotifications - Interactive resources including eventcalendars,maps, a contact directory and more - Student toolsincluding My ID,My Assignments, Hall Pass & Tip Line - Languagetranslation tomore than 30 languages - Quick access to online andsocial mediaresources About School App Express: The School AppExpress is aproduct envisioned by Red Circle Solutions to addressthe sometimessimple, and sometimes complex needs of the K12educationcommunication market. We noticed that all the productscurrently onthe market, were either very limited in their featureset, orsimply too difficult to use, forcing schools and districtsto havea number of different vendors for different niches.Additionally,industry statistics indicate that most people preferaneasy-to-access app on their phone as opposed to a website. Thisishow the School App Express was born. By combining a groupofeasy-to-use features and taking an all-in-one approach, webelievewe have created an industry leading product that can be easytouse, but still packed with value added features. To furtherimproveon our product, we also invested heavily on providing worldclasssupport abilities. With the availability of immediateremotetechnical support, we can offer our clients a personalizedtrainingand troubleshooting experience within minutes. Even incases whereour clients are simply short on time, we can take careof thelegwork of posting updates, sending out in-app communicationsandperforming any other work desired. Updates to mobileoperatingsystems are also a strength of our powerful app platform.Whenmobile device manufacturers update their operatingsystemplatforms, apps need to be updated. We take this completelyout ofthe equation for our clients by automatically rolling outanynecessary updates on ALL platforms in the background. SchoolAppExpress is a Red Circle Solutions brand. Red Circle Solutionswasfounded in 2006 with a vision to simplify the purchasingprocessfor schools, local and state governments, lawenforcement,healthcare and corporate clients. Our vision at RedCircleSolutions is to help our clients obtain top quality productsthatfit their needs, at the best possible prices. In addition toourvast product catalog, we also focus very heavily on providingworldclass customer support and customer service. At RedCircleSolutions, our clients are at the center of everything we do- notour bottom line. We look forward to serving you, our customersandwe will continue to strive to improve upon our world-classproduct.
CCC-AAUP 10.2.7
Easy access to resources, news and information to stay connected!
Garner-Hayfield-Ventura CSD 10.7.0
Easy access to resources, news and information to stay connected!
New London Connect 10.7.0
Easy access to resources, news and information to stay connected!
Neshoba County School District 10.7.0
Easy access to resources, news and information to stay connected!
Northwest Ohio ESC 10.2.2
Easy access to resources, news and information to stay connected!
Rye Neck School District 6.16.9
The Rye Neck School District app by Syntax enables parents,students, teachers and administrators to quickly access theresources, tools, news and information to stay connected andinformed! The Rye Neck School District app by Syntax features: -Important news and announcements - Teacher notifications -Interactive resources including event calendars, maps, a contactdirectory and more - Student tools including My ID, My Assignments,Hall Pass & Tip Line - Language translation to more than 30languages - Quick access to online and social media resources
Field Local Schools 6.16.9
The Field Local Schools App by eSchoolView allows parents,students, teachers and administrators to stay connected in today'smobile world! eSchoolView builds websites and creates educationalmanagement software for schools and school districts across thenation, including public, private, faith-based and charter systems.The company was founded in 2008 and has seen significant growth.Ranked for the second consecutive year on the Inc. 500/5000 list ofAmerica's fastest growing private companies, eSchoolView (1907)also works with a number of educational organizations throughoutthe states in an effort to build meaningful partnerships andnetworks within the industry. Founded in Columbus, Ohio,eSchoolView has offices in Charlotte, North Carolina and FountainHills, Arizona. We also develop products on behalf of schoolsystems across the country to improve efficiency and increaseparent engagement. Our newest product OneView is the only solutionavailable that integrates parent portal features, athletic forms,online enrollment for new student and forms for currently enrolledstudents in one complete package. eSchoolView provides a number ofother solutions to help school districts generate revenue, managefacilities and send instant safety alert notifications.
Liberty Union Schools 10.6.1
Easy access to resources, news and information to stay connected!